Welcome all guests!
We all would love to take you in.
Thanks for taking a peek,
The Heart
Main Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
Cherry Street
Alpha: None
Alphess: None
W. Main Street
Main Vampire: Kayne
Main Vampress: None
E. Main Street
Main Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
2nd Street
Main Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
3rd Street
Main Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None


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No New Posts You're.All.Talk

You can talk about anything here.

Moderator: Sycautik

5 33 yes... so soon, right? >.>'
by guess
Aug 2, 2009 17:27:49 GMT -5
No New Posts It's.Just.The.Way.It.Is

All the rules of Selfish Desires.

1 1 Rules of Selfish Desires
by Sycautik
Mar 4, 2009 21:09:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Our.Way.Of.Life

All the info on how vamps and werewolves work here.

2 2 Werewolf Information
by Sycautik
Jul 10, 2009 1:48:42 GMT -5
No New Posts The.Friends

Post your advertisement for our members to view. After being accepted, it'll be posted forever.

Sub-board: The.Accepted

73 73 Cimoron Island 2 |
by Lumos
Apr 23, 2011 20:55:35 GMT -5
No New Posts The.Family

So you've decided you want to become a friend? Step inside, read our terms.

5 7 Misty Rain 2 Affiliate
by LunaxLovegoodxRox
Jul 23, 2009 17:47:44 GMT -5
No New Posts A.Little.One.On.One?

Post any games here.

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No New Posts I.Just.Wanna.Show.Off

Post any art, stories, etc. Request graphix. You can also request to have your own graphix shop.

Sub-board: + Paramnesia

1 1 Examples :// Paramnesia
by Sycautik
Mar 23, 2009 19:56:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Need.A.Replay?

All the old threads are moved here. ALL the old threads. If you would like to have one moved back to be continued in, PM an admin.

1 27 Arrogance at its Best
by angesradieux
Apr 3, 2009 20:41:28 GMT -5


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No New Posts Face.Claim

The list of all the faces already taken.

1 1 Face Claim
by Sycautik
Mar 4, 2009 21:50:31 GMT -5
No New Posts First.Step.Of.A.Disaster

Follow the form and post your request to create a character.

2 2 Werewolf Character Form
by Sycautik
Jul 10, 2009 1:30:38 GMT -5
No New Posts A.Look.Inside

Your character has been accepted. You may now begin to reek your havoc on the city.

14 14 Kayla Ileana
by Kayla Ileana
Aug 20, 2009 0:29:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Killed.Off

These are all the characters that have passed on.

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No New Posts Dear.Diary

You can post one thread about a character here. One thread per character. And you can post anything you would like about them.

3 3 Life and Death [just a stitch away]
by xdarkdesiresx
May 4, 2009 18:17:34 GMT -5

The Inner City

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No New Posts 2nd Street

2nd St. runs along the south side of The Heart. It is a much better hunting spot then 3rd St. Houses and apartment buildings bordering all of it. Along with a few small shops.
Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
Servants: None

2 17 _the.world.is.a{VAMPIRE}
by guess
Aug 2, 2009 18:13:53 GMT -5
No New Posts 3rd Street

3rd St. runs along side two department stores, a few houses and the enterance to one of the only parking lots in the city. Two alleys branch off towards the heart. It is not the best area, not a lot of people.
Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
Servants: None

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No New Posts West Main Street

This street borders the west side of The Heart. Since it borders mainly a parking lot and a couple other buildings, it isn't exactly a great hunting spot. The parking lot generally has lights on for humans safety and there aren't any alleyways branched off it.
Vampire: Kayne
Main Vampress: None
Servants: None

2 20 A Bit of light to the shadows
by xdarkdesiresx
Jun 19, 2009 4:31:44 GMT -5
No New Posts East Main Street

This street borders the east side of The Heart. It is a better location than West Main St. It is poorly lit and has many nooks for things to hide.
Vampire: None
Main Vampress: None
Servants: None

1 5 +I'm All Dressed Up And Ready To Play (Open)
by +Cersei
May 2, 2009 14:00:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Underground

An intertwined web of underground tunnels. Some creatures even live down here with in the caverns that randomly appear throughout the pathways. Although you would figure it dark and filthy, it is actually quite clean and lighted with beautiful glass sconces. The floor and walls are tiled with a white color, and each opening is about 6 foot high and 3 foot wide in a more circular shape than a rectangle. Although everything else is nicely lit, the caverns are carpeted with a light gray and only have one glass sconce in each that has to be manually turned on. Each cavern is about 10 foot by 10 foot and has no furnishes other than the light and carpet. The walls of eahc are tiled with the same white as the tunnels, although if you go deep enough into the veins of the city, you can find some tiled and carpeted in black for those of you who like the darkness.

The only way to get in the tunnels is to find the secret passageways throughout the city.

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The Heart

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No New Posts Clan Info

A list of all the members of this clan along with updates and such can be found here.

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No New Posts Wolf's Fountain

The Heart used to belong to the werewolves, but vampires have since taken it over. This is the fountain sits in the center of the city. It is about 20 feet high and 30 feet in diameter. The center is a wolf, reared up on hind legs entangled in a music staff, random notes are encrusted on the five lines wrapped randomly around the vertical wolf. The waters that trickle down the wolf's body, along with every piece of the staff, glimmers with the colors that are created by the light that appear as the wolf's eyes and other smaller random lights. Lights are placed in the bottom of the shallow pool, which also creates this to glow. They say that if you sit at the edge and allow any piece of your body to touch the water, the lights will change to reflect your mood.

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No New Posts Rooftops

You have a number of rooves to pick from. Some sit here just to think by themselves. Some come up here strictly to fight with each other. While others come up for various other reasons.

1 21 There's A Shadow Just Behind Me {Syyn+Anastasia}
by Sycautik
May 26, 2009 14:35:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Takai

You can find anything you need battle wise here. Weapons, defense mechanisms, etc. It is especially for creatures who are in hiding. During the day, it is closed and at night, security is strict.

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Cherry Street

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No New Posts Clan Info

A list of all the members of this clan along with updates and such can be found in this board.

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No New Posts X-Factor

This is a clothing store located in the Cherry Street clan's territory. But with all the clothes werewolves go through, it's only fitting that the hottest clothing store be located near them. Occasionally a vampire will sneak in, but hey, who can resist clothes this wonderful?

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No New Posts Underground

This is the set of underground tunnels underneath Cherry Street. These tunnels do connect to the other clans tunnels, so be careful when wandering around. But they have the same areas as the large web of tunnels under The Heart, such as the small rooms for those who would like to take their chances and stay underground.

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The Outskirts

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No New Posts Hunting Grounds

It is a piece of forestry set just to the west of The City. The trees hold many different types of prey, but in the same trees, exiled vampires prowl. Watch yourself.

3 37 <3The sin of lip -_{+
by xdarkdesiresx
Aug 30, 2009 9:57:27 GMT -5
No New Posts Abandoned Stable

This was once a barn that sheltered a millionaire's horses. The owner of the property and such has since left her wonderful house to move to a less...how should we say...dangerous location after horses started mysteriously being attacked on her property. Most say it was the work of werewolves, those who say that are true. The vampires might run the Hunting Grounds. But this area is definately led by werewolves. Mainly Viras, but occasionally a Zeeva will wander in. The stalls are still furnished and you can still find some blankets and things scattered around. If you get lucky, you might even find a dog bed or some straw. And if none of that suits you, take a stroll inside her abandoned mansion. Some rooms still have some furnishings.

1 11 Wondering
by Kayla Ileana
Sept 19, 2009 15:17:37 GMT -5


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